Friday, May 22, 2020

Why Is Pump Lift Limited to a Specific Height

Pump lift is the linear vertical measurement that indicates the distance a certain pump can draw a liquid from the intake into the pump body. It is then exposed to the moving parts which will compress the liquid and eject it through the outlet side of the pump. An Example For example; a pump fitted to the top of a tank must be able to perform in the most challenging conditions. In the case of the tank, thats when its almost empty. A mostly full tank is easier for the pump to draw from since the liquid in the tank will seek the same level in the intake pipe. In a mostly empty tank, the pump will have to draw liquid up the full height of the pump intake pipe. The Physical Properties The physical properties of materials like viscosity and density can impact the lift performance. Because oil is less dense than water the lift will be greater because of the ratio of weight to volume. Less weight is being lifted by the vacuum the pump creates in the inlet so a less dense material can travel higher with less energy than a denser liquid like water. The reason a pump cannot deliver fluid to the pump body has to do with the interaction of different liquids with the partial vacuum that the pump is creating in the inlet. An Experiment In an experimental display, we would be able to see containers of liquid of various densities. Each container would include a clear vertical tube which has had all matter pumped out (actually impossible) to create a perfect vacuum. We would see liquids drawn up to a certain height by the pull of the vacuum but gravity would also be pulling the liquid down Since no pump produces a perfect vacuum in the inlet the maximum pump lift of the same liquids in a real world situation would be reduced because of the inherent inefficiency of the pump mechanism. The Pump Type A more efficient pump design can use several techniques to improve lift performance. The pump type has much to do with performance. A piston type pump will always be more efficient than a centrifugal pump since its a closed chamber design. In addition to making a closed chamber design, the number of cycles per minute can be increased to allow for the lower capacity of this type of pump. Sealing the moving parts like a piston or impeller against the pump chamber can help prevent leakage and improve efficiency. Often, the easiest solution is to lower the pump or submerge it in the liquid which is sometimes not practical because of maintenance issues.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Multiple Sclerosis A Neurological Disease That Affects...

Multiple Sclerosis is a neurological disease that affects the central nervous system. The CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord. Myelin sheath, an insulation that covers the nerve fibers, is damaged resulting in multiple patches of scarred tissue called lesions. When the Melin sheath is destroyed, damage to the axon begins and causes a wide variety of symptoms. Axons are the fibers that carry electric impulses away from the nerve cell to different parts of the body. MS eventually causes permanent disability. Depending on the extent of the myelin damaged and the location damaged, determines the severity of the symptoms. MS is an autoimmune disease, meaning the immune system attacks the bodys own myelin sheath protection. The damaged myelin and axon fibers is caused by overactivated T cells. There is four types of MS; relapsing-remitting MS, secondary-progressive MS, primary-progessive MS, and progressive-relapsing MS. Relapsing-remitting MS is the most common type of MS. Secondary -progressive MS continues to progressive and get worse weather or not the person is having relapse. Primary-progressive MS continues to progress and worsen and there is no relapsing or periods of leveling off with this form. Progressive-relapsing MS is the rarest for of MS and it is progressive from the begining and there is no remission in this form. Les than 5% of patients are diagnosed with progressive-relapsing MS. Symptoms can vary from patient to patient. Depending on the severity ofShow MoreRelatedEvaluation Of A Case Study1571 Words   |  7 Pageswhite matter of brain and spinal cord, helping the doctor to conclude this is a factor to why the client is experiences this neurological deficits. Client doctor prescribed her Prednisone which has a positive affect helping to confirm the client diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. Researchers have concluded that Multiple Sclerosis occurs whereby the patient’s own immune system attacks the protein that is found in the myelin sheath and this result in the demyelination of the myelin sheath. So when thereRead MoreEvaluation Of A Case Study1353 Words   |  6 Pageswhite matter of brain and spinal cord, helping the doctor to conclude this is a factor to why the client is experiences this neurological deficits. Client doctor prescribed her Prednisone which has a positive affect helping to confirm the client diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. Re searchers have concluded that Multiple Sclerosis occurs whereby the patient’s own immune system attacks the protein that is found in the myelin sheath and this result in the demyelination of the myelin sheath. So when thereRead MoreMultiple Sclerosis : A Nervous System Disease That Affects The Brain And Spinal Cord869 Words   |  4 PagesAbout Multiple Sclerosis Multiple sclerosis is considered a nervous system disease that affects the brain and spinal cord. The disease remains a mystery to this day since there are no known specific causes. It can be seen that multiple sclerosis is more prevalent in women than in men between the ages of 20-40 (Bethesda 2015). While the disease is typically mild in most cases, some severe cases may result in the loss in the ability to speak, walk, and write. Common symptoms of the disease includeRead MoreEvaluation Of A Case Study1315 Words   |  6 Pageswhite matter of brain and spinal cord, helping the doctor to conclude this is a factor to why the client is experiences this neurological deficits. Client doctor prescribed her Prednisone which has a positive affect helping to confirm the client diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. Researchers have concluded that Multiple Sclerosis occurs whereby the patient’s own immune system attacks the protein that is found in the myelin sheath and this result in the demyelination of the myelin sheath. So when thereRead MoreCase Study : Multiple Sclerosis ( Ms )1186 Words   |  5 Pages Reseach Paper of Multiple Sclerosis Zuemil De Jesus Claudio Universidad del Este Pharmacotherapy for Pharmacy Technician II Professor: Sonia Rivera March 15, 2015 Research Paper of Multiple Sclerosis The first case of multiple sclerosis (MS) was found in 1849. This disease is not contagious, but epidemiologists have identified some factor such as gender, generics, age, geography and ethnic background that may help determine what cause this disease. MS affects more than 2.3 millionRead MoreThe Severe Disease Known as Multiple Sclerosis Essay975 Words   |  4 Pagesare a vast amount of neurological disorders, conditions, and diseases. One severe disease is known as Multiple Sclerosis. In this research essay, I will be discussing what multiple sclerosis is, symptoms, causes, personal experience, and treatments. M.S., as some would call it, also known as multiple sclerosis is a neurological disease. This disease, in particular, could also be viewed as an autoimmune disorder. It is not nearly as fatal as the sexually transmitted disease (AIDS), yet it can beRead MoreSymptoms Of Multiple Sclerosis And Bell s Palsy1347 Words   |  6 Pages Neurological Abnormalities Jessica Schultz Brigham Young University – Idaho â€Æ' Neurological Abnormalities Bell’s Palsy Bell’s palsy is a condition that affects the muscles of the face. The muscles become weak and slow for an impermanent period of time. This disorder occurs when the nerve that controls the facial muscles, cranial nerve VII, becomes inflamed or swollen. The cause of the damaged is not officially known, but researchers believe that is could be the result of a viral infectionRead MoreThe Mechanics Of Multiple Sclerosis Essay1689 Words   |  7 Pagesexpressions of Multiple Sclerosis. These neurological symptoms were first identified in the early 14th and 15th centuries. The immune system attacks the myelin of the brain spinal cord causing a cessation or misinterpretation of communication with the rest of the body. Due to this destruction or damage to the myelin, scar tissue forms and there central nervous system cannot communicate with the body effectively. This is the mechanics of Multiple Sclerosis, a disease that affects many peopleRead MoreMultiple Sclerosis : An Auto immune Disease Of The Central Nervous System883 Words   |  4 PagesMultiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease of the Central Nervous System, which interferes with the communication between the Central Nervous System (brain and spinal cord) and other parts of the body. The immune system attacks the myelin on the nerve fibers; resulting in damaged myelin that forms sclerosis. Overtime, many nerve fibers and myelin sheath will be damaged or even destroyed, resulting in the nerve impulse being interrupted. MS can be mild, moderate, or severeRead MoreMultiple Sclerosis (Ms) Is A Disease That Impacts The Brain,1040 Words   |  5 Pages Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a disease that impacts the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves, which is together known as the Central Nervous System (CNS). It is perhaps one of the most common neurological disorders, affecting about 1 per 1,000 of the population (Beaumont, 2008). Multiple Sclerosis means â€Å"Multiple Scars† due to the many scars (lesions) that are located in the CNS. This disease involves two main systems in the body, the Central Nervous System and the Immune System. The Central Nervous

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Textiles Del Hogar Free Essays

DEFINICION DEL PROBLEMA: Resolver si es mas conveniente continuar con el negocio o liquidar. Si mi decision es liquidar la empresa debo definir cuando y como hacerlo. CARACTERISTICAS PRINCIPALES DE TEXTILES DEL HOGAR S. We will write a custom essay sample on Textiles Del Hogar or any similar topic only for you Order Now L. : Antecedentes A mediados del 2002 tras el gerente Oriol Ventura presentar los demas accionistas llamaron a RamonQuesada para que les asesorara. La entrada de los Quesada en Textiles del Hogar se dio el 6 de Febrero del 2003 tras 24 horas de reuniones con los accionistas por un contrato de gestion, una opcion de compra por parte o el total a ejecutar en 6 meses segun resultado de una due diligences y refinanciacion de la empresa. La sociedad Altafix. SL (creada por los Quesada) adquirio en acciones y refinancio el prestamo o aval lo preciso para que textiles del Hogar mantuviera en operaciones. _Objetivos _Estrategicos Los objetivos de los Quesada en Textiles del Hogar era aumentar la facturacion, generar fondos para poner la empresa al dia y generar dividendos para los accionistas. Producto Buena imagen en las tiendas de barrio y un producto con buena calidad/precio en comparacion con la competencia nacional y extranjera. Ventas Estacionales y con tendencia a la baja. El mercado acusa las importaciones asiaticas y se reduce el mercado para los fabricantes nacionales. Proceso de fabricacion e instalaciones Muy poca productividad debido a maquinaria muy obsoleta. La produccion se fabricaba en forma continua. Se fabricaba para stock en tejidos crudos para cumplir plazo de entrega mas cortos. Los pedidos de clientes de pocas unidades se producian sobre pedido Personal Ambiente laboral inicial muy deteriorado con 24 perronas (11 h + 13 m) con una edad media de 48 anos y una antiguedad de 20. 6 Cosedoras que no constaban en nomina y no habian sido dado de alta en la Seguridad Social. Entre el 2003 y 2005 la situacion se habia mejorado notablemente con el ingreso de los Quesada. Canales: Cartera de pedidos: Los pedidos oscilaban entre 1 y 4 semanas. Con mucha Incertidumbre. A pesar de apretados plazos, solo entre 5 y 10% se retrasaban en la entrega y casi unca mas alla de 5 a 10 dias. Proveedores: Principalmente fabricantes de hilo o de tejidos no fabricados por Textiles del Hogar. Subcontratistas solian ser acabadores. CRITERIOS PARA LA TOMA DE DECISION _Matriz de _decision _ _ Dividendos a Accionista Los socios llevan mucho tiempo sin cobrar ni un solo Euro y con las ventas cayendo a un 4 % constante en los siguientes anos siendo optimista el resultado del ejercicio es pos itivo sin embargo se va disminuyendo con el paso del tiempo lo que refleja poca viabilidad a largo plazo bajo las condiciones actuales. El ingreso para los accionistas en caso de liquidar seria solo por la venta de las existencias, las cuales son no perecibles y se pueden vender rapidamente aplicando un descuento, y las cuentas por cobrar (cartera 100% recuperable) ya que por las maquinas no obtuvieran ningun valor representativo. *Caida de facturacion del 4 % constante Gastos fijos aumentan a 180 para cubrir los 9 mil de los Quesada *(GESL tiene pendiente de recibir 5. 000â‚ ¬ durante 30 meses (150. 000â‚ ¬). Inversion en Tecnologia. Debido a que en Textiles la maquinaria era de cuarenta anos de antiguedad y los rendimientos muy bajos invertir en maquinaria permitiria mejorar los costos de fabricacion que permitan seguir los niveles de ventas. A esto lo debemos agregar la compra de un ERP (para mejor control administrativo) mas una normativa municipal esta inversion no seria menos 200. 000 euros. Entorno Economico* (Mercado y Ventas)*. Los mercados emergentes (especialmente China) son una amenaza constante para la sostenibilidad. Las ventas se vienen reduciendo en promedio 4 % anual peros esto puede aumentar por el factor mencionado haciendose mas dificil cada ano cumplir el presupuesto. Otro factor del mercado es que se compite via precio y no por disenos u otro factor diferenciador. La salida del mercado textil puede representar el ingreso al sector inmobiliario que segun uno de los accionistas , Adria Guasch, quien es propietario de las naves tiene un gran potencial. Indemnizaciones a Empleados Los costes de jubilacion se ven reducidos por la nueva legislacion en el sector textil lo ue facilita la liquidacion de esta. Este factor debe ser tomado en cuenta en para el â€Å"cuando† cerrar ya que el importe de 300000 euros es bastante significativo para la compania Responsabilidad social De acuerdo con el analisis de los criterios realizado en el punto anterior y ya que los dividendos y responsabilidad social son los criterios con mas peso se llega a la conclusion que los Hermanos Quesada deberian de c ontinuar con el negocio de Textiles del Hogar pero definiendo un plazo de espera para que repunte el negocio segun el plan de accion. Segun proyecciones de ventas y estado de resultado este punto debe ser el ano 2007 ya que la utilidad del negocio disminuye despues de este ano. PLAN DE ACCION Al tomar la decision de continuar con el negocio se debe de hacer cambios en los criterios expuestos para tener estabilidad y sostenibilidad a corto y largo plazo. Se debe empezar por potenciar el mercado que permita disminuir las comisiones de 5 al 8 % y asi aumentar el margen. Una alternativa puede ser consolidar una fuerza de venta propia. De manera paralela debemos buscar la manera de salir del mercado de commodity (via precio) a un mercado donde la calidad sea el diferenciador. Tambien se debe buscar capital para inversion en maquina ya que estas estan muy obsoletas y asi ser mas competitivos en tiempos y reducir costos de produccion. La otra inversion que se necesita es la de la normativa municipal y el ERP que conjuntamente ascienden a 200000 Euros. Reducir la estacionalidad en ventas es un punto igualmente importante. Una solucion seria buscar productos alternativos para los periodos en que las ventas caen. Si bien es cierto que la jubilacion sin costo por la nueva ley jubilacion del personal puedes ayudar ya que se puede contratar mano de obra mas joven y barata, considero que debe ser una ultima medida ya que la responsabilidad social para los Quesada es un criterio muy importante como se habia mencionado anteriormente. How to cite Textiles Del Hogar, Papers